ACP_101.ZIP 20,538 05-20-96 Another CD Player Version v1.01. FreewareCD player from Hungary. Both interactiveand command line mode.
AMAD9510.ZIP 83,068 06-05-96 Amadeus MIDI Sampler Ripper v1.0 for Win95. Utility to grab wavs from a samplerover midi connection.
AMP132.ZIP 51,821 05-24-96 AMP v1.32. Module player for SB AWE32 -XMS, 3M, MTM, MOD modules supported. Theperfect, clean sound.
CDSPRO21.ZIP 59,763 05-05-96 CD/Spectrum Pro v2.1 for Win 95. CD-AudioPlayer with Graphical Spectrum Analyzer.The program has two independent parts: TheCD-Audio player and the spectrum analyzer.The CD-Audio player is a full-blown playerof Audio C
CDWA404.ZIP 289,766 05-15-96 CD Wizzard v4.04 for Windows. CD AudioPlayer has all the functions of a home CDplayer plus many, many more! It saves thedisc and tracks names in its database. CDWizzard has a full 3D look that is totallycustomizable.
CMOD312.ZIP 111,062 04-17-96 CapaMod v3.12. MOD, S3M and XM player forGravis UltraSound. Includes CapaPlay IIlibrary for Assembler, C, Pascal and Basic.
D4WIN100.ZIP 355,136 04-05-96 D4man v1.0 for Windows. Editor/librarianfor the Alesis D4 Drum Module.
DISCP311.ZIP1,173,865 06-26-96 DiscPlay v3.1 for Win 95/NT. Audio playeroffers many useful and unique features:support for multiple custom playlists foreach album, collection searching andflexible printing, integrated access to theDiscPlay Internet
DMP108.ZIP 187,634 04-06-96 Dual Module v1.08 for OS/2. Simple and fastmodule player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 orthe new Direct Audio for output. Itsupports many module formats : MOD, NST,STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF.
FREEMIDI.ZIP 132,569 04-30-96 Free MIDI Player for Windows. Plays .MIDmusic files, with flashing lights, secondcounter, calculator, calendar, time, date,and more.
GMEKPD.ZIP 37,065 05-02-96 Games Music Extraction Kit for Windows.
GMTR2100.ZIP 31,214 04-05-96 Graphic Level Meter for Win 95.Oscilloscope, graphic level meter, folding,sting, bar meter. Stereo available.
ICCD32.ZIP 233,544 06-11-96 TekMedia Suite v3.21. Suite of audioapplications. It includes a Wav Player,CD-Player, AVI Player, MIDI Sequencer. Easyto use. This product is for the Novice PCmusic oriented user.
MCD32_12.ZIP 127,845 04-28-96 MiniCD v1.2 for WIn 95. CD player that adds3 small CD audio control buttons (play,stop, track forward) & 3 app controlbuttons (mode, minimize, exit) to theWindows desktop.
MMAST5.ZIP 823,299 04-08-96 Midimaster v5.0 for Win 95. Midi/Wav/rmiPlayer and Midi file organizer.
MMCMP132.ZIP 45,639 05-14-96 Music Module Compressor v1.32. Compressyour music modules and instruments, andload them with ANY player/tracker whilethey are still compressed! Modules: S3M,MOD, IT, XM. Samples: S3I (SMP), IT, WAV.Instruments: XI.
MYCD145.ZIP 317,065 06-23-96 MyCDplayer v1.45 for Windows. Audio CDPlayer, Library, Apptmnt book/diary.Exclude, Program, Shuffle, Sample, Volume,StayOnTop. Saves exclusions, program.Programmed with the "KISS" principle inMind. Supports multiple C
RMEDIA.ZIP 1,265,325 06-16-96 RandoMedia v2.0 for Win 95/NT. Easy to useMIDI/WAV player. Plays MIDI, WAV, eitherMIDI or WAV, or both formatssimultaneously. Freeware.
S16DW3UP.ZIP 647,641 06-28-96 Sound Blaster 16 DOS & Win v3.1 Juneupdates for all Sound Blaster 16 users.